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John is a graduate of the University of Montana's MFA program where he was a poetry editor for CutBank. He is the winner of the Greta Wrolstad Poetry Travel Award and the Boston Mayor’s Poetry Prize. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Southern Poetry Review, The Journal, Columbia, Hayden's Ferry Review, Fourteen Hills, The Evansville Review, and many others. A former Writer-in-Residence of the Inn at the Oaks, John has worked for Ploughshares and is currently an editor at Brill Publishing in Boston.


Journal Publications​

Kestrel (51): Skywriting for the Rest of Us | Overture to Boy About to Walk in on Parents

Grub Street (73): ACME | The Moose in Mountain West Bank

Fourteen Hills (25:1): Times Crossword with Paris Hilton

The Journal (40.1): Seuss on Subway

Southern Poetry Review (55:2): Blackbox

Columbia Journal: Heirloom China at Thanksgiving | Absentee

Hayden's Ferry Review (Iss. 55): New London Primary School Explosion, March 18, 1937

The Evansville Review (Vol. XXIV): Blueprint

Off the Coast (20:2): Welteislehre

Concho River Review (27:1): Motel

Stand Magazine (13:1): An Arrangement | Dog Gestures to Got Out it a Blizzard

The Madison Review (35:1): Lies

The Manilla Envelope: Elling Woman | Choosing a Weapon During the Zombie Apocalypse



Book Publications

Boston Molasses Disaster, January 15, 1919City of Notions: An Anthology of Contemporary Boston Poems. National Endowments for the Arts Publication (ed. Danielle Legros Georges).



Greta Wrolstad Poetry Travel Award

Boston Mayor’s Poetry Prize

Writer-in-Residence at Inn at the Oaks


*All PDFs have received permission to display publicly from their respective journals.

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